The management of "Azerigas" Production Union declares that our goal and purpose is to ensure the safe operation of the gas network in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan in accordance with the requirements of the legislation and international standards, not to damage the environment, and to supply natural gas to all consumers who use natural gas in a continuous, high-quality and safe manner. is to achieve customer satisfaction by doing

"Azerigas" PU is guided by the following criteria that it considers important in its activities:

- To achieve the application of modern techniques and technologies and ensure sustainable development by using advanced methods that positively affect the development of Management Systems according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 10002 and ISO 50001 International Standards.

- To fulfill all requirements related to quality, ecology and safety in Management Systems and Legislative Acts of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

- PLAN – EXECUTE – CHECK – DEVELOP to ensure sustainable development! based on the principle.

- To achieve regular education of employees and increase their professionalism by taking advantage of the work experience of advanced organizations while anticipating the requirements of Management Systems.

- To be impartial and objective while resolving consumer complaints, complying with the requirements of the current legislation, to protect confidentiality, to perform timely and flawlessly.

- To ensure economical use of energy during the production process and increase energy efficiency.

- To organize the joint activity of employees in accordance with the requirements of Management Systems.

- To be a leading enterprise that values ​​human health and the environment.

- Assess the risks and aspects encountered during the work activity, take appropriate measures and keep under constant control.

- To change the dependence of systems on workers to the dependence of workers on systems.

- To inform all employees and co-workers about this policy.
